Lake Winterwood BOD Monthly Meeting Minutes

November 4, 2024

General Meeting (6:30 pm)

 1) Meeting called to order 6:28 pm by Elizabeth T.

 2) Attendance and verification of quorum: Elizabeth T., Kyle S., Sasha M., Rob B. & Michael L. via WebX

Guests: Dwight M., and Eydie Leighty via WebX

3) Approval of Minutes from October BoD Meeting: Amend minutes removing duplicate issue 22015. Motion to approve.  Approved.

4) Voting Report; ratify passed decisions/votes taken since last meeting:  Motion to ratify.  Ratified.

Voting Results Report - 2024-10-14 to 2024-11-04

Issue    Date Voted       Issue Title

22280   10/14/2024        Bridge Repair $327 Probros (From Reserves?)

22109   10/14/2024        Remove Dead Tree From Little Lake Area

22329   10/22/2024        Approve Sasha Martin to Take the Place of Chris Martin on Board

22349   10/28/2024        Approve Reserving Sport Court on 11-2 From 11-5 Cancelled

22330   10/29/2024        ACC Request to Replace Existing Gutters and Downspouts with Same

22367   10/30/2024        Approve 2025 Contract With NW Lake Cleaning $7017.59

21208   10/30/2024        LAW Grass Renewal-Vote On PLM Bid $2000.49

22358   10/30/2024        Please Vote to Publish Meeting Minutes from 10-14-24

22400   11/4/2024         General Maintenance Bridge Repair in the Amount of $44.92 to R Schmid

5) Financial Review October statement: 

·        Dues delinquencies as of 11/04/2024: Three homeowners delinquent more than 30 days.

·        Expenses. October expenses totaled $8,780.84.  Expenses include $82 fee for City of Covington Chamber rental for annual meeting, $2,992.00 final 2024 balance to Northwest Lake Cleaning, $215.42 to Wildlife Wizards, LLC for pest control. Approved reimbursement $43.28 Mike T. for general maintenance repairs.

·        Reserve Balance  $64,931.66

Acknowledgements: Congratulations to Sasha Martin and volunteers: Terri, Chriss, Chris, Megan, Mike and Elizabeth for coordinating a successful Halloween Costume Parade in spite of the rain!  Awards: “Most Creative Costumes” to Skeleton McKenzie and Dinosaur Joel, “Scariest Costume” to Ghost Anson, “Cutest Costume” to Racoon Kaya

6) Old Business

·        Communication timing and distribution of LWW Newsletter

·        Resolve PLM account discrepancies: Elizabeth to resolve with PLM accounting.

·        Continue discussion and next steps on Storage language

Committee Updates

Safety:  Safety meeting scheduled for 11/19 at 7 PM lot 93.

Events: Holiday walkabout and cookie exchange date coming soon. Holiday Engine Food Drive 12/6 at 8 PM.

Communications: Looking for a committee lead.

Maintenance: Manual completed. Dead tree at small lake to be removed by volunteer effort.

7) New Business

·        Corporate Transparency Act. Board needs to submit their information before end of year.

·        Moss treatment for sport court. $30 expense for spray Approved by Board. 

8) Next BOD Meeting: Monday, December 9th, 6:30 pm at Elizabeth T’s, lot #13

9) Adjourn Meeting: Adjourned 7:44 PM